Friday, May 3, 2013

History of Magnetic Tape

A fun fact I never knew was that magnetic tape was first used to record computer data!

Its made out of magnetizable coating on a long strip of plastic film. Devices such as tape recorders and video recorders use magnetic tape to record audio and video footage.  Especially back than magnetic tape was used to make films, home movies, and record live on the radio.

It changed things for the better for the broadcasting network from when it started to new technologies we use now. Using magnetic tape for films was a good idea in the 50s but it did have its down sides. Everyone in the broadcasting field or made movies used that tape to store audio and video footage but they did not think about the long term. As years pass by magnetic tape deteriorates by absorption of moisture which causes extreme damage and makes it unusable.

With technology nowadays we evolved to be more digital and HI-TECH. Cameras are everywhere! Instead of tape we now use DVDs and computers to record and process movies. Looking at the inventions back than and see what we have now you'll be amazed how far we've come and how peoples ideas have generated into something bigger.

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